
Stop by & offer a few pointers, or point & laugh, as a few old farts figure out the fine art of living... Life on a Few Acres

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hot chick time!

Glad to share that the laundry- cheese making- seed starting- chick brooding room has officially moved into the hot chicks phase.  Once again I wanted a few Orpington to take over the work of raising the littles, and once again it looks like I waited too late.  Or not.  Think I may try hatching my own Orps if I can't find any at the local stores.  For some reason, I don't like the idea of having chicks mailed to me.  Irrational, I know.    
Also glad to share our first annual food planting.  These are peas we planted the weekend of april 16th.  Pretty late for our area, I think.  A week of rain and hail storms seemed to keep them cool and happy enough to at least start growing.  Also planted carrots, beets, and turnips, but I see no sign of them.  I suppose I should get a planting journal started so I at least know when and what and where something should be.  I suppose I should also just be glad we've started, no matter how small or (un)successful the effort proves to be. :)


  1. Getting chick's in the mail does make getting mail much more fun! We have two hens thinking about going brood, a Buff of course and a Buckeye.

  2. I see how mail chicks would be fun- think I'm just afraid the timing wouldn't work and the poor things would sit there too long. I dunno. lol. Fortunately, a local store recieved some Buffs, and put them aside for us, so I'm on the road to broody buffs myself! :)
