
Stop by & offer a few pointers, or point & laugh, as a few old farts figure out the fine art of living... Life on a Few Acres


Garden: 1/1/2015 Year 0

The garden will be going in between the building (barely visible on the middle left of photo)  and the ploughed dirt area.  The space is about 100x100, but will (hopefully) have a make shift greenhouse attached to the building's front someday, reducing the garden size.

The top third of the dirt area, just below the garden will be a bit of an orchard/perennial garden.
As of 4/15/15 There are 4 semi-dwarf fruit trees, 6 dwarf fruit trees, 2 elderberries, 50 asparagus crowns & 100 strawberries.

The bottom third of the dirt area (middle right of photo) is the old filled in lagoon.  I plan to plant sunflowers and corn there, both for animal feed, and most important, quick screening between the gardens & street.

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