
Stop by & offer a few pointers, or point & laugh, as a few old farts figure out the fine art of living... Life on a Few Acres

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Apparently calander waving and foot stomping work!


  1. I am going to show your blog post to my 5 plus month pullets and tell them no more treats until they lay some eggs. Congratulations to that hen of yours.

  2. Lol tewshooz, too funny. Hope that works for you!-- and today it was two eggs :)!

  3. Well the next day I was back to none, if that helps. Hope your girls get into the swing of things soon!

  4. I didn't know chickens could read. Must have been the foot stomping!!

    M : )

  5. That's great news! Nothing beats homegrown eggs. :)

  6. Lol Melinda. I think they took pity on me. Yes Leigh, it tickles us all to see those small, but perfect, eggs adding up.

  7. Ha! Exactly five months after we bought the chicks we got our first egg. It was blue! 10/22/2015. Now, in three days we have nine eggs. Woo Woo

  8. WTG gals!! I'm still waiting for my easter egger to start laying; fingers are crossed for blue or green eggs from her! I've already lost track of egg numbers here, but I know I alone have ate a dozen.
